School Timings to KG Kids
- School Timings : 8.15 a.m to 3.00 p.m
 - Please send the child in proper uniform.
- Please ensure that the child wears his/her ID Card daily and update the changes if any.
 - Please send a spare dress with your child.
 - Please send dry and healthy snacks.
School Timing to Stds I to IX
- School Timings: 8.15 a.m to 3.15 p.m
 - All students should appear in the school uniform and should ensure that their uniforms are clean and pressed. Only the school footwears are permitted. They must wear their Identity Cards to school every day.
 - The class rooms and the school premises in general should be kept neat and tidy. Scribbling on walls, scattering bits of paper, damaging the furniture and the school property etc., are strictly forbidden. Anyone causing such damage will have to make good the loss either by compensation or by replacement.
 - In case of medical emergency the student will be given first aid in the school medical room and informed to parent over phone.
 - Students are not allowed to bring cell phones to school. Violation will lead to a fine of Rs.1000/-
 - Discipline in case of reported misconduct the following steps will be taken by school in the first instance of minor misconduct the student will be counselled by the Principal or Vice-Principal. The student will be warned in case the misconduct is repeated. In the third instance of misconduct the student will be issued a disciplinary slip and the matter will be brought to the notice of the parents. On the receipt of three disciplinary slips, the student will be suspended for a period of three days. If the disciplinary issue is major the matter would be at once brought to the notice of parents.
School Timings to Stds X, XI & XII
- School Timings : 8.15 a.m to 5.30 p.m
 - All students should appear in the school uniform. On Thursdays the students of Std X to XII should wear the sports costume. On other days they should wear the regular Uniform. Students should ensure their uniforms are clean and pressed. Only the school wears are permitted. They must wear their Identity Cards to school everyday.
- Students must be inside the school premises 10 minutes before the first bell rings at 8.10 a.m. Perfect silence must prevail during Yoga, Meditation, Assembly Prayer and at all school functions. Late comers will wait outside and they should bring their parents for explanation.
 - In case of medical emergency the student will be given first aid in the school medical room and informed to parent over phone.
- Attendance on reopening days after terminal and annual holidays is compulsory. No student shall absent himself/herself without obtaining prior sanction of leave from the class teacher except in the cases of unforeseen circumstances. In such cases the application of leave shall be sent to the class teacher on the first day of their presence.
 - Application for leave of absence shall be made on behalf of pupil by his/her parent/guardian and addressed to the teacher if it is not exceeding two days and to the Principal if it is a longer period.
- Every student shall attend the school for not less than 95% of the working days in a school year. Any breach of this rule may disqualify the pupil from being promoted to the higher class or being sent for public examination.
Safety Measures
- Parents should ensure that the complete details of private van/auto drivers are given to School Office.
 - A duplicate ID Card is issued to all students of KG section to ensure that only an authorized person picks up the child.
- In case of emergency, the student will be sent home with the parent or authorized person provided the parent sends a letter to the school or gives information over phone to office.
 - CCTV is installed in important points in the school.
 - Students and teachers are educated in personal safety in the school campus.
 - Infra structural safety measures like raised railing in corridors and fire-fighting equipments are installed in various places.
 - A well qualified counsellor offers guidance to the emotional stressed students.