Vision & Mission
To toil tirelessly with tinytots and tenderminds to impart personal, social, cultural, spiritual and national values along with quality education and inculcate occupational skills and soft skills to accomplish family life which ultimately leads to establish a joyful and peaceful society.
Every child is born with a message and hence we take the child as a project to extract the message/Talents, Traits and Capacity. Expose it and elevate him/her to his/her excellence at which he/she become a Beacon of light in society.
To achieve our objectives we should:
Be sensitive to the needs, feelings, aspirations, values and concerns of our students.
Develop the spirit of learning, discovering, creativity, challenge and sharing with the less fortunate.
Contribute to the ongoing formation of the school, as a God Centred community.
Foster the principles of universal oneness leading to the acceptance of God.
Provide an environment for the assimilation and appreciation of our culture and heritage.